Mr “Talk”reys New Discovery!!

Live from “Shiv Sena Lab”: Renowned Researchers Mr Bal Thackery and Mr Raj Thackery have now discovered a new cause for “Malaria” and “Dengue” Fever! Mr Raj Thackery was seen in a white overcoat,donning  microscopic spectacles and holding a test tube in his hands at the press conference. “We are now pleased over our new discovery”! “We now know the exact reason for Malaria and Dengue rise statistics in Mumbai. We caught hold of some “outsiders” in Mumbai,suck their blood and have now researched that “outsiders” in Mumbai are responsible for spreading Malaria and Dengue. So,now we pronounce that, Malaria is now caused by “outsiders” residing in Mumbai, and not by Plasmodium falciparum as stated in Biology Books” Mr Raj Thackery said.

On enquiring,how he procured samples of “outsiders” blood, he smirked and quipped,”Acquiring Blood samples is not a herculean task for “Blood Suckers” like us”!!. Previous day,Mr Bal Thackery was seen running naked on the streets of Mumbai shouting “Eureka Eureka”!! On being stopped by a Mumbaikar and enquired about his state, Mr Bal Thackery said,”I was bathing in my bath tub pondering over the rise in Malaria and Dengue Fever statistics in Mumbai.Then suddenly my mind analysed that the culprits are “Outsiders”. I was elated over my discovery and did not mind my nakedness. I triumphantly ran naked on the streets of Mumbai just like Archemedis did”.

Mr Raj Thackery also said,” We have now sent a letter to Maharasthra’s Education Ministry appealing in “vinambrata” to edit Biology syllabus. We have asked them in “vinambrata” to edit the cause for Malaria as “outsiders in Mumbai” instead of “Plasmodium falciparum . We have also written to “All Out” and “Odomos” manufacturing companies to now invent and manufacture sprays,gels and ointments which are “Anti- Outsiders”.

“Our Saamna will publish the details of our discoveries,research,analysis and aftermath”, Mr Bal Thackery said.

My comic on the same issue:


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Filed under 2010, Politics

12 responses to “Mr “Talk”reys New Discovery!!

  1. Kya baat hai!! And fascism will prevail

  2. Pournima Srivatsa

    wow! real good one.

  3. Nice post Swathi! Hilarious!

  4. Yeeeheeeheee..You’ve hit the nail girl with this one!
    Lovelovelove the toondoo tooo..
    Keep such spoof scoops comin..
    Love to read such HOT news!

  5. Very daring posts.
    full of intellect. and vision.

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